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Sources for Clothing, Accoutrements, etc.

  • Sunday, December 09, 2012 4:20 AM
    Message # 1155510
    Deleted user

    Clothing and Accoutrements

    *Dress & Accoutrements of the Overmountain Men, 1775–1783. Andy Thomas, 2000. Available from OVTA.

    *Tidings from the 18th Century  by Beth Gilgun. Rebel Publishing Co. Texarkana, Texas.

    *Fitting and Proper.  Sharon Ann Burnston.  Scurlock Publishing Co.  1998.

    Rural Pennsylvania Clothing  by Ellen J. Gehret. Liberty Cap Books, York, PA.

    *Collectors Illustrated Encyclopedia of the American Revolution by George C. Neumann and Frank J. Kravic. Rebel Publishing Co. Texarkana, TX.

    Working Dress in Colonial and Revolutionary America by Peter Copeland, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT.

    *Textiles in America by Florence M. Montgomery. W.W. Morton & Company, New York.


    Jas. Townsend & Son, Inc.  133 North First Street, PO BOX 415 Pierceton, IN. 46562.  Orders: 1-800-338-1665. Info: 219-594-5852.           (general stuff for beginners)

    Smoke and Fire Co. PO BOX 166, Grand Rapids, OH.  43522. (419)-832-0303.              (general stuff for beginners)

    The Sutler of Mount Misery. G.Gedny Godwin, Inc. Box 100, Valley Forge, PA.  19481.  $7 Catalog.

    (215) 783-0670.            (general stuff)

    *Track of the Wolf. Box Y, Osseo, MN.  55369.

    (612) 424-2500.                         (Rifle parts and kits, etc.)

    Smiling Fox Forge.  3500 County Road 234,

    Fremont, OH.  43420. (419) 334-6800.             (general stuff)

    *Fugawee Corporation.  3127 Corrib Drive, Tallahassee, FL. 32308. Phone: 1-800-749-0387.              (Shoes).

    Turkey Foot Trading Company. PO Box 58, Grand Rapids, OH.  43522. Phone:  (419) 832-1109

    *Panther Primitive,  PO Box 32, Normantown, West Virginia, 25267.                                      (Tents and Accoutrements)

    *Muzzleloader Magazine.  Scurlock Publishing Co., RR 5, Box 347-M, Texarkana, TX 75503-9403.

    (903) 832-4726.             Very Good.  Highly recommended. 

    Muzzle Blasts. Official publication of the National Muzzle loading Rifle Association. P.O. Box 67, Friendship, Indiana 47021.

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